Monday, 7 May 2012

Printed Stickers

Bumper stickers were first used as advertising gimmicks to promote a range of things, especially vacationing spots. People smacked on a bumper sticker about where they were going for everyone to see from behind their transportation. Later bumper stickers evolved into brightly inked ones on backgrounds of black and blue, with catchy one liners and announcements that grabbed the attentions of those who happened to notice them.

Later on bumper stickers took on a whole new look, changing its entire purpose into a one that allowed it to be a source of expressions on how one felt or what they believed in. Not only did it serve the idea of conveying a message to those who were behind you in a traffic knot, but it shouted out opinions, funny phrases and even images to make it all even more appealing.

The bumper sticker craze didn't stop there - transportation of all kinds sport one of these, or many of them at a time, in a myriad of colors and sizes with people plastering these up in their homes on mirrors and wallpaper even. It is both a creative freedom of speech and a way of saying something out loud, while someone else of course reads it if not hear it out loud. Slogans, quotes, one word illustrations and images are what they're all about today and the trend is back in full swing, where these are attainable from online as well or can even be made from at home.

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